Today's Video Link

Today's link is to an hour show and even without all the commercials, it may be more than you want to watch. But if you remember this short-lived summer show, you might get the proverbial kick out of it. It's an episode of Our Place, a 1967 CBS series which starred (basically) everyone who was then managed by talent agent Bernie Brillstein. At the time, his client list included the comedy team of Burns and Schreiber, a well-scrubbed singing troupe called the Doodletown Pipers, and Jim Henson. Mr. Henson's contribution to Our Place was Rowlf, the Muppet dog he'd previously created and portrayed for The Jimmy Dean Show, over on ABC.

Ed Sullivan's production company was behind the series — undoubtedly some contractual commitment from Ed's most recent CBS contract — and the show followed his on Sunday nights. He was on at 8 PM and it was on at 9:00, which put it opposite Bonanza at the juggernaut peak of its popularity. It was on for ten weeks while The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour was on vacation and apparently it held its own in the ratings and was said to be "on tap" to return whenever the network had an opening. Somehow, they never found the right place for it and it was never seen again.

I remember tuning in to see Rowlf and becoming a huge fan of Burns & Schreiber, as well. Later on, Jack Burns became Head Writer for the first season of The Muppet Show, among his many other credits. A very funny, clever man…and shy about performing, as you'll read if you click over to this excellent online tribute/bio. It's really true about him turning down acting jobs. Years ago, I wanted him to voice a character on a cartoon show I was doing and he politely declined…apparently, his first instinct to every offer. A mutual friend persuaded him to do my show and he was quite wonderful on it, making me wish he performed more.

This typical episode of Our Place was uploaded by someone to YouTube in six parts. If I've configured the video embed properly, they should play one after the other in the frame below. You might at least want to watch the opening, up to and including the sweet but haunting theme song. Later, much time is devoted to guest star Dick Shawn, and there's more with Rowlf and more with Burns & Schreiber, and you'll get to hear the Doodletown Pipers take all the guts out of some of your favorite songs…