Your Name Here

There's probably a special term for these but I don't know what it is. I'm talking about online videos that insert your name or someone else's into the action. I've had about a half-dozen of these sent to me with my handle inserted and I'm just plain impressed by the ingenuity. Here's a link to the latest one that several people have sent me…and at the end, you'll find instructions on how you can stick your name or someone else's in there and pass it on.

(In case you're wondering why I didn't place it as a video embed here, it has an autoplay feature and I couldn't figure out a code to insert that would disable that. It starts playing the moment you go to the page and I didn't want to stick you all with that happening.)

This is the first one I've come across that's also had an audio customization in it. If you have a common first name, Goofy says it near the end…and if your name isn't common enough that they have it available, he refers to you as "our special guest." I think that's Bill Farmer doing Goofy's voice. Next time I see him, I'll ask how many of these lines he had to record. I'm guessing a lot.

Here's a link to the one that put up a few weeks before Election Day. I stuck Walt Disney's name in this one, figuring he wouldn't object.

Okay, my all-knowing readers. Is there an established term for this kind of video? And while we're at it, let's see if we can compile a little list of others that are still online. If you can help in either category, drop me a note.