Today's Video Link

This runs 52 minutes and you may encounter some advertising. It's an episode of The David Susskind Show from 1965 — a one-on-one interview with Jerry Lewis.

For those who aren't familiar with Susskind: He was an agent who became a producer (of TV shows, movies and plays) who eventually became a talk show host. In 1958, he started a program called Open End on New York local television. It was called that because it was done at the close of the broadcast day and each episode lasted until Mr. Susskind felt the topic and/or guest had been exhausted. So some nights, it might last 50 minutes and some nights, it might run over two hours. Eventually, it was syndicated in a standard length and renamed The David Susskind Show. It ran for twenty years, often in fringe time slots…but even there, twenty years is quite a run.

Here's Susskind's chat with Jerry…