Lightning Rod

I'm sure you've all read and heard about Rod Blagojevich, the governor of Illinois, and his arrest for what U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald called a "political corruption crime spree." I don't know anything about the guy or what he may or may not have done. I kinda thought being corrupt was part of the job description when you were governor of Illinois.

Only three things interest me about this. One is that right now, every late night and topical comedian in the world is wishing the guy had an easier last name to pronounce. There's no way to deliver a crisp punchline with "Blagojevich" in it.

Secondly, I'm wondering. The guy had like a 6% approval rating before this scandal broke. What do we think it is now? Is there such a thing as a negative approval rating where less than 0% think you're doing a great job?

Lastly: One of the corrupt scenarios he was working involved selling the Illinois senatorial seat to someone who would step aside later and allow him to take it over, thereby positioning himself for a presidential run in 2016. Shouldn't your approval rating be over 10% before you start planning to be elected to the highest office in the land? In an odd way, I admire that stubborn denial of reality. It comes from the same place as his statement today that he would never resign.