Early Tuesday Morning

I think the Coyote may have finally caught and devoured the Road Runner. All evening, Road Runner High-Speed Cable — which brings me to you and vice-versa — has been going on and off, with the 'net inaccessible for hours at a time. If you can read this, it's working at the moment but may not be for long. E-mail has also been erratic. It's strange how much some of us come to rely on this thing. Every five minutes, I found myself thinking, "I need to look that up on the Internet" and then realizing I couldn't.

Wait…it gets worse. I decided to see if I could get my dial-up connection, which I haven't used since the Clinton administration, to work. I should have that capability in case, one of these days, the cable modem goes kablooey for some extended period. Well, it didn't work…and when I was trying to figure out what was wrong, my first thought was: "I know! I'll look it up on the Internet!"

That's right! I'm going to use the Internet to figure out why I can't use the Internet!

It's time to go to bed. Maybe in the morning, things will have stabilized around here.