Wally World

Tony Dow, Barbara Billingsley and Jerry Mather as The Beaver

Have you heard what Tony Dow's been up to lately? You know Tony Dow…star of the sitcom classic, Leave It to Beaver. That's him in the above photo…with Jerry Mathers as You-Know-Who.

Well, Tony's done some acting and some TV hosting and some producing and directing…but he's also been sculpting and they say he's pretty good. He'd have to be because he was recently chosen as one of three sculptors to show at the Societe Nationale Des Beaux Arts exhibition in the Louvre in Paris later this month. One of his abstract bronzes will be on display there…and in the field of sculpture, you can't do much better than that.

Almost as great an honor is this: Tony is the guest today on Stu's Show, the fun 'n' informative entertainment chat show hosted by my amigo, Stuart Shostak on Shokus Internet Radio. And by now, you really oughta know how this works. The show is on live from 4 PM to 6 PM Pacific. That's 7 PM to 9 PM on the right-hand coast…and if you live somewhere else, you oughta be able to figure out when to tune in.

To tune in, just go to the Shokus website and click where they tell you to click. Stu's Show will come streaming through your computer speakers, loud and clear. Each episode reruns all week but listen today when it's live. It's more fun that way, plus you can phone in and ask Tony a question. In between playing Wally on Leave it to Beaver and getting into the Louvre, the man's had an amazing life and career, well worth hearing all about. End of plug.