Early Wednesday Morning

So it's a week after the election and we still don't know for sure where Missouri's electoral votes are going to land. A few news sites have awarded them to John McCain but most haven't…and I wonder if the ones that have would have called that state if it did matter.

It's interesting to imagine a scenario where they did. Let's say Obama won all the states Kerry won plus Iowa and Nevada, McCain took everything else except Missouri…and Missouri was still in the balance. That would put Obama at 264, McCain at 263 and the entire nation on pins and needles, waiting for Missouri to come in and declare our next President. I assume somehow they'd have sped up the counting process there and we'd have a winner by now…but maybe not.

I don't have a punch line for this or even a semi-interesting observation. I just think it's fascinating to note that this could have happened.

Anyone here see John McCain on with Jay Leno last night? I have mixed feelings about that. It's nice to see the "old" John McCain, I guess, but you'd like someone to ask him if he was really proud of the campaign he wound up running. Does he still think Obama is a socialist? Or that Obama voted to cut off funding for our troops? Is he worried about having someone who "pals around with terrorists" in the White House? Leno, of course, is not the guy to ask such questions but I hope someone will. Jay did ask if he regretted the choice of Sarah Palin and of course, McCain said no. He's proud of her and expects her to have a career on the national scene in some way. Somehow, I don't believe either part of that.