A Little Later…

And now, all the news sources seem to be calling Proposition 8 as having passed.

I'm always suspicious of those day-after statements where the folks who lose declare some sort of circuitous victory. I'm sure there are Conservative sites and talk shows where, even as we speak, it's being explained that Obama's victory is the best thing that could have happened to the Republican party and that Democrats will rue this day. You always have to ask yourself if they would have said the opposite if the vote had gone the other way. Does anyone ever say, "We'll regret our victory!"?

Still, we all know that same-sex marriage ain't going away as an issue…just as the controversy wouldn't disappear completely if the vote had been 52-48 in the other direction. It lost again but incrementally, it seems to be losing by a smaller and smaller margin — and be backed by younger and younger voters — with each skirmish. So while I don't think this is a victory in any way, I also don't think it's a long-term victory. Just maybe until the next election or, at worst, the one after.

In other news: Some news outlets have awarded Indiana's 11 votes to Obama, putting him at 349. Still looks like he may get Missouri and/or North Carolina.