Today's Bonus Video Link

This is a bit of a cheap shot but it's also funny and it's something that John McCain was almost asking for. It's a short film of the Maverick family — the folks whose ancestor gave his surname to the dictionary — saying and even singing about how much it pains them to hear McCain call himself one.

I'm not sure if McCain ever deserved that label but I'd like to think so. At least, I'd like to think I wasn't fooled when I believed what I used to believe about him. But a couple of years ago, he decided that the only route to the presidency involved kissing up to what Jon Stewart calls (and McCain even agreed with him was) "crazy base world." So the Senator from Arizona fell in lockstep with their wishlist, which meant anchoring himself to the least popular President in the history of mankind.

There are many reasons McCain's doing as poorly as he's done… and a bad, dishonest campaign is certainly high on the list. But it may be as simple as the fact that Americans really, really hate what George Bush has done to this country so they're fixin' to vote for the guy least likely to continue his policies, end of argument. I don't know if being a real "maverick" could have gotten McCain the G.O.P. nomination but the fact that he isn't seen as one is probably costing him the general election.

Here's the video link, for which I thank Bob Elisberg. I am not, by the way, embedding this because I think it's going to change anyone's mind. I think we're long past that moment. I just thought the video was worth seeing. It's a shame that James Garner is said to be ailing. I mean, it's a shame because we love James Garner and he's a great actor and from all reports, one of the nicest guys in the business. But wouldn't it be fun if he was up to making a video in this election? For either side?