If you live in California and you're struggling with all them weird propositions, take a look at this blog post by Kevin Drum. I don't quite share his automatic denials of bond issues, though I guess I agree with the theory. I voted for two of the ones he says no to, but otherwise, I think he's correct.
Methinks we especially should not pass Propositions 4 and 8 — for reasons that should be obvious — and Proposition 10, which looks at arm's length like something that will advance the cause of "clean energy." Actually, it would more likely advance the financial well-being of oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens, who seems to have decided there's serious money to be made if you can out-Algore Al Gore. This editorial explains why. Mr. Pickens is turning up on my TV more often than the Geico Lizard and looks even slimier.
There are folks who don't believe in Global Warming simply because Gore says it's so and they think anything Al Gore says must be automatically disbelieved. I don't think that makes any sense…stopped clocks and all that. But I am skeptical of anything T. Boone Pickens says, especially when he's pouring millions into advancing a cause that should net him billions. If Pickens wants to convince America that he has the world's best interests at heart, he oughta do it as a pro bono project. And it would help if he apologized for funding all those Swift Boat ads against John Kerry.