As you know too well, this weblog shamelessly pimps for the Creamy Tomato Soup that is occasionally available at the chain of restaurants known variously as Souplanation or Sweet Tomatoes. This is perhaps our greatest public service as proven by the kind of e-mails it invariably yields. Here's typical testimony…in this case, from Corey Klemow, a devout reader of this blog…
I have a deeply ingrained prejudice against tomato soup. Sometime when I was very, very young, I decided I hated tomato soup; probably had a lousy batch of Campbell's or something. I have studiously avoided tomato soup all my life (with one exception too convoluted to go into here). So it was a big deal for me to try tomato soup of any sort. Even a highly recommended creamy variety. Goddamn, that was some friggin' good soup. Extreme thanks for the extreme recommendation. (Ever tried dipping the foccacia bread in it? Mmmmmmm.)
There you have it: Independent verification. And I will remind you that this soup will disappear from those eateries some time this weekend (call first to check) and will probably not be available for months. They usually have it in March but, as the lady at the Customer Service line keeps telling me, the menus are not set this far in advance. They do this to toy with my emotions.
Also of note: As so many of you informed me, this past week on the TV show, The Big Bang Theory, one of the characters made a special mention of the Creamy Tomato Soup at Souplantation. It was a nice bit of timing from my point of view. This is the first week since the end of March that my favorite soup has been available there…and this is the week it got mentioned on The Big Bang Theory. Not only that but the show aired the first night I was able to get over there and shotgun a couple of bowls. I wondered here if the mention could have anything to do with my relentless hectoring of you all to go out and slurp some of this soup.
Turns out the answer is yes…and I feel dumb for not realizing this. So startled was I that I plumb forgot my pal Lee Aronsohn is one of the Executive Producers of The Big Bang Theory. Lee, who reads this here blog, informs me he wrote that line. I shoulda known…