K.C. Masterpiece

This posting is being made possible by the free wi-fi at Kansas City International Airport. Sergio Aragonés, Stan Sakai, Tom Luth and I are waiting for the flight that will carry us homeward following a most enjoyable time at the Mo-Kan Comics Conspiracy. Note to anyone else who writes and/or draws comic books: If these guys ever invite you to be a Guest of Honor, accept. They're wonderful hosts and they put on a friendly little convention filled with interesting folks. Our thanks to all and especially to Cho Ravada, their genial guest wrangler.

En route to the airport, we stopped for a late lunch/early dinner (pick one) at another K.C. barbecue temple that came highly recommended…Fiorella's Jack Stack. Sorry, Arthur Bryant's boosters. Your fave is no longer ours. As fine as the meat is at Arthur Bryant's, we all liked Jack Stack a bit more. I'll write later as to why. Just wanted to report now in case any of you had money riding on the outcome. Next time I get to these parts, I'll try a couple of the other nominations we got (like Gates) but I'm sure going to try to return to Jack Stack.

I'd better go. Stan Sakai is having trouble getting his samurai swords through security, Tom Luth is attempting to color his boarding pass and Sergio is demanding to be strip-searched. The next message here should start with me announcing I'm home and in my favorite chair. I have to go see if they let bloggers pre-board.