BBQ Report #2

I'm home and in my favorite chair. Decent flight. If I could get past their tendency to lose my luggage (which didn't happen this time), I could really like Southwest Airlines. They leave on time. They get in early. They have cheery and helpful employees. Their flights always seem to be packed, which I guess is why they're one of the few airlines showing a profit these days.

One other thing I don't like about them: They have "open seating," which means you get on the plane and select your own seat. It sounds good but what it means is that if you're travelling with three or more people and you aren't among the first third to board, it's highly unlikely you'll all get to sit together.

I got home to a couple of outraged e-mails from barbecue partisans. It's apparently a big deal to some people that I didn't prefer (or sample) their favorite place for ribs. Hey, you like some places better than others. We liked Jack Stack. Great rib ends. Some of the best barbecued chicken I ever had. It's fancier than Arthur Bryant's and it doesn't have the history…and I'm not saying I didn't have a great dinner at Arthur Bryant's and wouldn't go back. But we do have this little competition going. Everyone who recommended a barbecue place to me told me it was The Best. So I'm just telling them what I think is The Best of the two places I tried. The world will still continue to revolve if I prefer the ribs at a different establishment.

Lots of unpacking and catching-up to do. More here later.