Several people have e-mailed me lists of books that Sarah Palin supposedly tried to ban as governor of Alaska. I'm pretty sure this list is bogus; that it's just a list of the books that are most often suppressed and that it doesn't relate to any specific actions by Ms. Palin.
Several other people have e-mailed me their own explanations of The Monty Hall Problem, including a few who profess to be mathematicians and think I'm wrong. Most correspondents, including others who profess to be mathematicians and two I know are, understand and know I'm right.
One person who professes to be a mathematician wrote to argue my solution and to send me that list of books Sarah Palin allegedly wanted to ban. He's wrong both times.
I may not post a lot more about Governor Palin because so many other websites are doing a fine job of shredding the fibs that she opposed earmarks, that she opposed The Bridge to Nowhere, that she sold the state's private jet on eBay for a profit, that there's nothing to the ethics investigations, etc. Even a few members of this Liberal Media we hear so much about are starting to expose this stuff.
But I know I've reached the outer regions of my interest in The Monty Hall Problem. Thank you all for writing but if I don't stop discussing it now, I never will.