It's not quite time for Cream of Mushroom Soup but we are still battling deadlines here; ergo, not much opportunity to watch the Republican Convention. About all I saw was Huckabee and a little of Palin…not enough of the latter to have an opinion. I liked Huckabee but did not understand his line about how Sarah Palin running for mayor of that town she was mayor of got more votes than Joe Biden got for president. Biden got something like 75,000 votes for president. Even if every single citizen of Palin's town (including minors) had voted for her five times, she wouldn't have gotten 75,000 votes. Anyone have any idea what's up with that?
I started to write a post here today that said that if the G.O.P. wants some privacy for the Palin family, they should stop parading them out for photo-ops and as campaign props. But it seemed kinda obvious so I didn't finish it.
I do hope to finish a post about how I wish people wouldn't spread the silly idea that those who live in Big Cities think everyone who lives in a Small City is a relative of Gomer and Goober Pyle…or Larry the Cable Guy or some other redneck/hick stereotype. I've lived in a Big City all my life and somehow never encountered anyone who had the snottiness towards rural communities that troublemakers like to claim we do. I mean, you do have people in this world who insist that wherever they live is the inarguable single best place on the whole planet to live. You also have folks in so-called blue states who think that a majority (not everyone but a majority) of those who live in red states are foolish to vote as they do, just as you have folks in red states who feel that way about blue states. But apart from that kind of thing, no. I don't think that's a real mindset of any significant group.
So it's back to deadlines with me. I have some prewritten posts to stick up here but I won't be penning anything new for the blog for a day or two. Unless, of course, someone dies…which'll probably (sigh) happen.