On Sunday, September 28, I'll be among the authors talking about our books and writing our names in copies at The West Hollywood Book Fair. There's a whole section of programming devoted to comics and graphic novels and I think I'm appearing on a podcast taping at 5:00, but I expect to be around before that. The podcast is for comicsoncomics.con, a web show where comedians sit around and gab about comic books. If I don't let you know when it's posted to the Internet, it'll be because I made a bigger jerk of myself than usual.
Then the following day, I'm going to be speaking about my latest book at the Santa Monica offices of Google. As I understand this, the event will be transmitted to all the other Google facilities and will be available at some point on Google Video but it's not open to the public. Once again, if I don't let you know when it's posted to the Internet…
Lastly for now: The evening of October 14, I'm going to be part of a panel discussion at USC about the impact of political humor on the current election and, I suppose, on other ones. But I'll tell you about that when we get closer to the date.