I often plug Stu's Show, an entertainment-themed talk show on Shokus Internet Radio, a station you can hear on the very computer you're using to read this here website. I would like to really, really plug/recommend this week's installment, which is a two-hour conversation with comic legend Shelley Berman. Not only is Shelley one of the great geniuses of stand-up comedy (occasionally performed seated on a stool) but he's a thoughtful, wise man with much to say about the evolution of his art form. He is disarmingly candid in this chat with Stuart Shostak and Christopher Bay, and if you're interested in comedy, it's a very educational and fast-moving two hours.
The show first aired last Wednesday and it reruns each day until next Tuesday, so there's your window of opportunity to listen. Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, it airs at from 4 PM to 6 PM Pacific Time. On Sunday, it's on from 9 AM 'til 11 AM Pacific Time. Go to the website of Shokus Internet Radio at the appropriate time and click where they tell you to click. You'll be glad you did.