Today's Video Link

Watching New Orleans evacuate has made me angry all over again about what happened during Hurricane Katrina a few years ago. Even if Gustav doesn't do anywhere near the same kind of damage, that will not mean the man-made errors of the past have been corrected.

This video runs about eleven minutes. If you don't have the eleven minutes, just know this: Most of the destruction that occurred there was not because a hurricane hit the city. It was because a hurricane hit the city and many of the levees that should have protected the city proved to be structurally unsound. To add injury to injury, the post-storm response was simply inept and made a bad situation worse.

I don't know why people aren't more upset about this. We blamed all sorts of people for not being better prepared for 9/11 but the folks who dropped the ball in and around New Orleans were barely faulted. Worse, even though everyone knew another hurricane would be along soon (with more to follow), they've taken their own sweet time about prepping for it. Here's the video. Everything in here has been affirmed by official reports and as far as I can tell, there is little dissent to those reports.