Still Watching

Not a bad speech. Interesting that she has a son heading for Iraq at about the same time that Joe Biden has a son heading for Iraq. She'll probably make the Republican base happy except for the fact that they'll fret her inexperience weakens McCain's assertions that Obama doesn't have enough.

I wonder if they did much (or even any) polling on this. There couldn't have been much or her name would have been on some reporter's list of possible running mates. Did everyone else test so poorly that McCain figured she wouldn't do any worse for him? Or did he just not think that kind of polling research matters? If the latter, good for him.

I don't think it's going to help the G.O.P. ticket to pick up disenfranchised Hillary supporters. First off, I don't think there are as many of them as people think, especially after the last few days. Also, it's going to come off as tokenism to a lot of folks. Women don't want a woman to be picked because she's a woman. They want her not to be disqualified because she's a woman. Would Palin even be on the long list, let alone the short list, if she were male?

The best thing about the pick so far is that the Talking Heads of Television have no idea what to make of it. All the chatter is like, "Well, this is a risky pick but it could prove to be a master stroke." Translation: "When do we get to see some polls on her?"

Well, maybe the best thing is about how this is probably pissing off Ted Stevens. We're going to hear a lot about how Palin stopped his "bridge to nowhere" project. The G.O.P. is throwing their Senatorial candidate under the dog sled.