Today's Video Link

This is a clip from a 1984 cable show — The Young at Heart Comedians Special, I think it was called. David Brenner was the host and it featured seven veteran comedians (i.e., older gents) doing their acts. Part of the format was that while one guy was on stage performing, the camera would cut to the others backstage, sitting around and talking. In this segment, you'll see backstage chatter from Jackie Vernon, Jackie Gayle, Henny Youngman, Norm Crosby, Shelley Berman and George Gobel, along with Brenner.

Onstage is one of my all-time favorites, Carl Ballantine, aka "The Amazing Ballantine," performer of what was deliberately the most inept and hilarious magic act ever. I wish you could see his whole routine uninterrupted and untruncated but this is all we have to offer.

It is worth noting, by the way, that though the show was done nearly a quarter of a century ago, two of the "young at heart" comics — Norm Crosby and Shelley Berman — are still actively performing, plus Ballantine still works as an actor and is occasionally coerced into hauling out the old act. I got to work with Carl a few times and we occasionally have a meal. He's just as funny off-stage as he is on…which as you'll see in this clip is pretty darned funny.

(An aside to the three people who write to complain every time I link to a clip or article that contains a wee bit of profanity: This one does. Instead of getting outraged, you might consider that this is how much of this country talks and that a lot of good, decent people see nothing wrong with it. Please stop sending me those messages.)