Today's Video Link

I know some people would rather I just linked to light, happy video clips of wacky commercials and silly songs…but there are some things on the web you oughta see. Whether you like 'em or not.

Here are three video reports on "The Surge" from a gentleman named Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, a native of Baghdad who's employed by the Guardian in the U.K. Like all of you, I would love to believe the mantra of "The Surge is working" but an awful lot of evidence suggest that it's only been effective in reducing the humiliation of those in this country who backed the U.S. efforts in Iraq and made grandiose, impossible claims about "winning." It's a way for those who never want to believe their country does the wrong thing (at least when a Republican is in the White House) to stick their fingers in their ears and sing "la la la" loud enough to drown out the reality.

The three parts should play one after the other in the embedded player below. They total about thirteen and a half minutes. If someone would like to suggest an article or video that affords another view of this situation, please do.