Recommended Reading

Once upon a time, a reason for going to war with Iraq was the high probability that the post-9/11 anthrax attacks in this country were the work of ol' Saddam. There was, we were told, evidence to support this assumption. Now, it's starting to look like the anthrax in question originated in a U.S. lab and was even disseminated by someone working in that lab, apparently with no foreign involvement.

While the whole story is full of questions, more so than ever, it does look like pretty much everything we knew or thought we knew at the time was wrong. Moreover, it looks like a lot of members of the press — ABC News, in particular — were fed bogus information and passed it on…and would rather forget the whole thing than deal with this. Glenn Greenwald has the story — what's known of it. I'm not sure what happened but there's definitely someone in this whole mess who did something about which we all oughta be outraged.