The Day After

More random bits about the Comic-Con…

  • My favorite moment at the Quick Draw! game was when I asked the three cartoonists to each do a sketch called "Someone in the audience who deserves a standing ovation." I knew the answer I'd get when I asked it: Al Jaffee. One of the many joys of the weekend was hanging around with the guy who invented "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" and the MAD Fold-In, and seeing how mobbed he was by fans and admirers. He was a little stunned when he got that standing ovation — a couple thousand people on their feet and cheering — but if he thought he didn't merit it, he was the only one.
  • The rumor was again circulating that since the con has obviously gotten too big for the San Diego Convention Center and surrounding hotels, it will soon be relocated to Las Vegas. As far as I can determine, absolutely no one currently involved in the operation of the con believes this or wants this.
  • Mike Peters hugged me more in one weekend than my Aunt Dot did in her entire life.
  • There was a guy staggering around the room in one of those costumes where you can tell that an awful lot of time and money went into the effort but you have no idea who or what he was supposed to be. Actually, there were a couple of those but the one I'm thinking of had seriously impaired vision. I think the eyeholes were in his navel or something…and he kept bumping into people. Maybe that was the point of it.
  • We did something called "That 70s Panel" with eight comic folks, myself included, who began writing and/or drawing funnybooks in that era. It went well for what it was, and also as a preview of a Golden Age Panel in the not-as-distant-as-I-wish future.
  • Every con since I had my Gastric Bypass Surgery, a few folks come up to me and inquire about it, and I answer questions and tell them what I tell everyone, which is that it worked great for me but that their mileage may vary. One fellow who inquired this year easily weighed over 400 pounds…but he said he was asking because his sister was considering it.
  • I only got down to Artists' Alley once during the con. I really like that part of the floor and always forget that there's a route that doesn't involve plowing through the videogame/toy section. If they had a little tram that took you down to that part of the convention hall, I'd be there whenever I wasn't hosting panels.

More of these as they come to mind.