Bruce Adler, R.I.P.

Can't tell you how sorry I was to hear about the passing of Bruce Adler, a great song-and-dance man, Tony nominee and occasional cartoon voice. I only met Mr. Adler once…backstage at the Broadway production of Crazy For You, for which he originated the role of Bela Zangler. And as he was being called away for some purpose, that meeting didn't last much longer than the time it took for me to tell him what a fan I was of his work, especially his CD/records, A Night in the Yiddish Music Hall, Parts One and Two. He was very, very good and I wish I could give you a link that would let you see or hear him at his best.

What I can offer you is this link to a page at the agency that represented him. There's a good obit posted there and at the moment, the page plays one of Bruce Adler's recordings — unfortunately, not one of his Yiddish Theater ones. [Warning: Music starts instantly.] Also, I'm embedding a clip of him on Rosie O'Donnell's show performing a number from a revival of the show, Anything Goes. Bruce is the fellow on the left, the lady is (of course) Chita Rivera and the gent on the right is George Dvorsky.