Hello From San Diego

I've decided not to do a day-by-day Convention Report this year. I'd love to give you hot gossip and juicy anecdotes from the floor but those postings never seem to be much more than me telling you how well my panels are going and how crowded the con is, and then I list a lot of people with whom I chatted. This is a much more exciting event than that.

So whatever I have to report will have to wait 'til I return and have time to reflect and think of other things to write about. Those of you who love it when I'm pissed off at some business, like an airline or restaurant, will enjoy what I have to say about the hotel in which these words are being written.

I have so far counted fifteen people dressed as The Joker — twelve men and three women. These are not the greatest villains represented in the hall. So far, the greatest villain is whatever exhibitor thought it would be a great idea to pass out large inflatable swords to small children. I'm going to find that guy and make him try to get from one end of the room to the other with kids stabbing at his lower extremities.

Goodbye 'til later.