Sunday Morning

There are, to me, many fine reasons why John McCain should not be president. One biggie is that he has been a tireless advocate for the belief that the government should never interfere with anything that big investment entities want to do to try to get bigger, but that it should stand at the ready to bail them out — with billions of our tax bucks — whenever they crash and burn. To them, our government is like a demented insurance company that says, "Take whatever risks you like and if it doesn't work, we'll pay for it." McCain proclaims something quite different in many of his speeches but when it comes down to voting and using his position to advance causes, he always sides with the Enron crowd.

Robert Scheer calls him on it. The notion that Phil Gramm could be advising McCain, let alone be considered his probable Secretary of the Treasury, says it all. Gramm is to fiscal responsibility what Andy Dick is to manners.