Good Morning

I'm up at another ungodly hour, working on something. On my TiVo as I write, I'm watching a lecture by Vincent Bugliosi, who has a new book out called The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. In it, he calls for some courageous prosecutor to come forth — or better still, for Vince Bugliosi to be appointed a Special Prosecutor — and to put Bush on trial. The lecture was on CSPAN2 earlier this morning and it reruns today (Sunday) at 3 PM Eastern, which is Noon on my coast.

I have no idea what to make of this. Bugliosi (who I've met and spoken with, mostly about his book on the Kennedy assassination) can be a very annoying man. He sweats profusely and rarely strays too far from the topic of what a superb prosecutor and smart person he believes himself to be. This is not to say he's wrong. I thought his writings on the JFK case, the O.J. Simpson case, the Clinton-Lewinsky matter and the Bush-Gore Supreme Court were generally on-target and occasionally brilliant. This time out, he seems to be pursuing his case from an utterly impractical angle…one that's unlikely to accomplish anything more than sell a lot of books. I usually purchase whatever Bugliosi publishes but this time, I think I'm taking a pass.

An interesting aside. One of the folks who asks a question of Bugliosi in the Q-and-A section is Steve Rohde, an attorney who's been a major champion of the First Amendment. He's a courageous man who has done much good for Freedom of Speech in this country…and he was the main lawyer who represented Jack Kirby in his famous dispute with Marvel Comics over the ownership of his original artwork.