Holy Memoirs!

Lorenzo Semple Jr. developed the Batman TV show (the one starring Adam West) and was its key writer. In this article, he remembers how it all happened.

Two points of note. One is that he seems to recall that his pilot script, which featured The Joker, was the first one aired. Actually, the first episode that aired featured The Riddler and the second week featured The Penguin. It wasn't until the third week that The Joker showed his white face…and that script was credited to Robert Dozier, son of Exec Producer William Dozier. So something is wrong in his recollection.

Also: The way Semple tells it, he makes it sound as if ABC forced Batman on Bill Dozier as a project he neither initiated nor wanted to do. Dozier used to tell the story of how he came across a Batman comic book in an airport gift shop and that's how he got the idea to do the show. I seem to recall that in one telling, Dozier even described the issue in question well enough that guys like me could identify it was Batman #171 — which featured The Riddler and which contained story elements that turned up in Semple's script for the first episode aired.

I'm pretty sure Semple's right about all the other stuff but those two matters have me a little puzzled.