Today's Video Link

We return to the theme of "Brilliantly Talented People Mark Has Met." In September of '06, I told you about how the great magician Jonathan Pendragon had been seriously injured. He fell onto an arrow which pierced his chest and for a while there, the magic community figured him for a goner. But Jonathan is an amazing human and I'm happy to say that he and his lovely partner/spouse Charlotte are performing again. I think they're at the Magic Castle this week and if I wasn't leaving for Minnesota on Wednesday, I'd scurry up and see them in action.

You saw them in action recently if you've been watching America's Got Talent. In case you missed it, here's how it went, including a brief discussion of Jonathan's near-fatal accident. And when they do the trick — which is even more impressive when you see it in person — pay attention to Charlotte's outfit. Most people are so boggled by the illusion, they don't even notice she changes clothes.