Go Read It!

Found this on the website of my pal Paul Harris. It's a piece by James Randi about myths of gambling. I've pretty much given up my one interest in that area, which was Blackjack, but during the years I did a lot of that, I came to a number of conclusions and one was that it helped to be as realistic about it as Mr. Randi is in that article. I mean, you can believe the myths and still win via dumb luck but it's not something I'd want to count on. Steve Wynn is worth zillions because people believe the myths.

The other things I found out is that you have to really, really learn the game(s) you're playing; that you have to only play when you're alert and able to pay good attention; that even when you do everything right, you can lose; and that you have to master the hardest part…which is to quit when you're ahead. Despite understandable temptations to the contrary, I gave up Blackjack when I was and if I don't get stupid, I will remain that way for the rest of my life. If I go back to it, I will at some point be behind again. Ahead is a better place to be.