Trapped on Hold for All Eternity

We're still having trouble with our digital phones from Time-Warner Cable, trying to get another line installed. Yesterday, after twice rescheduling earlier appointments at the last minute, they finally sent an installer. He showed up at 3:00. Around 5:15, he informed me that he had successfully installed the line with one teensy problem: It wasn't connected to any of my phones.

The phone line is, he said, working properly insofar as reaching my house is concerned. He just can't get it into any of the phone jacks I have in my home. He spoke of this as if it were a minor technicality and told me that a specialist would come by today "after noon" and solve the problem.

Well, I'm waiting. At 2:30, I phoned Time-Warner and a man in Customer Service said he'd find out if and when my service call would be happening. He then put me on hold for fifteen minutes, at which time the call just disconnected on me.

Around 2:47, I called back and got a nice lady who listened to my tale of woe and swore she'd help me. She said that, unfortunately, she'd have to place my call on hold while she waited for a "supervisor" to step in and help her with this matter…but she swore that if I got disconnected, she'd call me back. I have now been on hold for 27 minutes and 30 seconds.