Before Bedtime…

I won't be posting a video link today but I'll mention that the Jack Kirby Museum and Research Center has posted a video of a panel I hosted at the New York Comic Con, interviewing two of Jack's best inkers, Joe Sinnott and Dick Ayers. It runs about 55 minutes.

Also, I wanted to mention that Jack's grandson Jeremy, a most talented young man, has set up a website about his grandpa and is also promoting some of the properties that the family controls. Go visit The Jack Kirby Universe.

And while I'm at it: Every year at the Comic-Con International in San Diego, I host a panel about Jack featuring folks who've worked with him. This year's, which takes place on Sunday morning, will delve into a part of Jack's career about which many of his fans know little. It's his years in the eighties working in TV animation…and among those who'll be participating will be Joe Ruby and Ken Spears, whose cartoon studio employed Kirby for some very happy years of his life, working on Thundarr the Barbarian and other shows. I'll also be co-hosting a panel on Friday about the Ruby-Spears studio, and I'll get Joe and Ken to tell how they started Scooby Doo and other Saturday morn superstars.

In the next week or two, I'll preview some of the other panels I'll be helming at San Diego…sixteen of 'em in all. Yeah, I know that's a ridiculous number but they're all things I wanted to see so I might as well moderate them and be guaranteed a seat.