Computer in Ill Health

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! It's been far too long since I got a %@*#! virus on my computer. I don't think I lost any data this time but I'm losing much of my evening doing a cleanup and reinstall of Windows and please, Mac users, don't write me to extol the glories of your never-get-a-virus format. I've spent too much time and cash setting up and learning a system that usually works jes' fine for me. Switching over would take me more time than recovering from a dozen viruses. I have nothing against Macs. It's just too late for me to go that route.

I'm on my backup computer while I run various correctives on the primary. In the meantime, I can't get to recent e-mail and I'm too far behind on stuff to post here at a normal pace. This will change but probably not tonight, maybe not 'til tomorrow. If you don't like it, go form an angry mob to track down and lynch the guy who sent me a worm that was too fresh for my virus checker to intercept.

Back soon.