Just Say No To Silly Programs

There's a new round of debates over whether the government should hurl more money into "abstinence-only" sex counselling. I don't know why. These programs do not work, have never worked, will never work…and the proponents seem to always be saying, "Yeah, well, apart from that, maybe they're a good idea." The only genuine controversy I see is whether they do a lot of damage or A LOT of damage.

I usually cringe at the phrase "reality-based community," but those who plump for abstinence indoctrination are clearly in the opposing world. I think they're more interested in coming up with some campaign that will allow them to make believe their kids aren't having sex. A lot of proposals to curtail gay rights strike me as being in the same category: Regardless of what you're actually going to do, let us pretend we've solved what is, for us, a problem.