I keep hearing folks on TV saying that Barack Obama is "attempting to have a meaningful dialogue about race in this country." I don't think that's exactly it, and part of why I feel that way is that you can't have a meaningful dialogue all by yourself. There has to be at least one other party and I don't know who that might be in this case. What I think Senator Obama is attempting to do is to allay certain fears that some have about maybe voting for a black man and he's doing this by saying some reasonable, inarguable (to most) observations about race. I think it's wise and I think what he's saying makes sense…but there's no "dialogue" there that involves some nationwide discussion. He's just making points that he believes will help his campaign.
He's right, for instance, that a lot of white people — especially of an older generation — have an illogical fear of minorities. I once had an aunt who was a lovely lady but she was particularly fearful of non-white human beings in groups. She didn't have a dram of prejudice in her towards any one person of color but the minute she saw two or more together, she started worrying about race riots and gangs and people pulling knives. "Pulling knives" was a particular concern.
There's a story about her that I know sounds bogus but knowing her, I tend to believe it. It took place around the pool of the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas in the late sixties. She and my uncle were hanging out there on vacation when she noticed some black people gathered, talking loudly and acting a bit rowdy. I don't know if she overheard some remarks or just what it was but she was suddenly seized by the fear that even though they were wearing swimsuits, they were about to pull knives and do something ghastly. Nervously, she hurried over to a Security Guard, pointed the black people out and suggested he keep an eye on them.
The Security Guard took a look, then told her, "I'm going to be watching them tonight in the showroom, ma'am. That's the Fifth Dimension."