This morning on Fox & Friends, Chris Wallace "respectfully" took some of his colleagues on that network to task for what he called "two hours of Obama bashing." You can see the video here…and you might notice a little, perhaps unintended dig by Wallace when he talks about how the talent at Fox doesn't all stick to the "talking points." Good for him either way. I didn't see the whole broadcast but from the others' defensive reactions, it looks like he scored a bulls-eye with his criticism.
Someone should have said something similar to Keith Olbermann the other day regarding his coverage of the new "scandal" (which I kinda doubt will amount to anything) involving some folks snooping around in Obama's passport files. It may well be a criminal act and it sure sounds sleazy…but Olbermann devoted almost his entire hour to the story even though everything known about it was said in about the first four minutes. I like (and TiVo) his Countdown and there are times I think he's gutsy and taking expert aim, especially in calling out other news folks for sloppy research. But just as the Fox & Friends crew apparently ignored a lot of other news so they could fixate on one Obama comment, Olbermann didn't cover any number of other stories so he could say the same things over and over and over about this passport episode.