A lot of us are still interested in the story that will never go away, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. If you're in this group, there is much to study over at this website where a Dallas TV station has set up an online archive of video from that day and relating to that day.
I must admit that I find my fascination with the story to be ebbing with each passing year. A decade or two ago, I came, almost reluctantly, to the conclusion that there was no conspiracy; that Lee Harvey Oswald was exactly what he appeared to be — a lone nut who single-handedly killed the President of the United States. I also came to the conclusion that some folks saw the facts otherwise and that there was little to be gained by debating with them since it meant going over and over well-trampled ground. But every now and then, I like to revisit an old semi-obsession so sites like that are nice to have around.