Sunday Morning WonderCon Bar Blogging

WonderCon, once you get to it, is a fun and joyous experience. It's a great con and when I get more time, I'll tell you about Saturday. The hotel's pretty good too, except that the High Speed Internet Connection in our room was apparently installed by United Airlines. It don't work so well so I'm currently in the bar in the lobby, blogging via a wireless connection that only works down here. The bar is packed with folks from the comic book business and every now and then, one comes by and says, "Wow, I read your blog but I never thought I'd see you actually working on it!"

Let's see who's around here. Image co-founder Jim Valentino just ambled past, and Batton Lash (creator of a fine comic called Supernatural Law) is pointing at me and grinning. Master comic book shop operator Joe Ferrara is hovering about and a somewhat tipsy Marvel artist who shall remain nameless, and who seems unaware of how loudly he's speaking, is hitting on a lady who looks about as likely to prance off to his room with him as I am to book my next few flights on United. Over in the corner, I see someone who's either Bruce Timm or the winner of a Bruce Timm look-alike contest and this isn't very interesting, is it?

Okay, so I'll tell you a little more about Saturday. Packed hall. Big stars. Lots of people in great costumes. We had a great Jack Kirby Tribute Panel with Herb Trimpe, Mike Royer, Darwyn Cooke, Kurt Busiek and Paul Dini. Then later, I did a one-on-one with Herb…a fascinating, gifted man who talked about working at Marvel "in the days when it was fun." I sometimes get the feeling it hasn't been that way at very many comic companies for a long time.

I signed a lot of copies of Kirby: King of Comics for folks and would have sold more but the one dealer who had them, Comic Relief of Berkeley, sold out rather quickly.

I need to get out of this bar and go back upstairs to write in peace 'n' quiet so I'll wrap this up. More later, if and when I get a working Internet connection.