How I Spent Friday

My chum Earl Kress and I went out to the Hollywood Collectors Show yesterday. In case you've never been to one of these, it's a large ballroom where celebrities of various celebrity sit behind tables and sell autographed photos, signed books and other items that their fans might crave. There are also dealers selling movie and TV memorabilia.

The big lines were for Ernest Borgnine, Carol Channing, Jonathan Winters, George Kennedy and especially for Peter Falk. Earl and I had a nice time talking with, among others, Bill Mumy, Gary Owens, Michael Hoey, Beverly Washburn, Bernie Kopell, Bruce Kimmel and Mackenzie Phillips. Mike Hoey gave me a copy of his new book, a bit of which I read last night and enjoyed tremendously. You'll be reading more about it here when I find the time to finish.

We went to lunch with Chuck McCann, who had as many fans around as anyone. A lady was sitting at the table next to us in the restaurant and she kept saying over and over out loud, "I can't believe I'm having lunch with Chuck McCann!" Chuck went over and kissed her hand…and you've never seen a happier woman.

The show continues today out in Burbank. If you get out there, take cash. You'll probably find a lot of fun things you want to purchase…and people you've always wanted to meet.