Survey Says!

I think I picked an interesting week to poll the readers of this site as to who they thought would be the Democratic nominee for the post of Prez. Early on, Hillary Clinton took an early lead and for several days, Obama was around 31% and Edwards was around 16%. But even before he announced he was getting out of the race, the numbers for Edwards dropped into the single digits and Obama began picking up what I'd guess was most of that support plus some from each of the other choices. For what it's worth, I selected Hillary when this poll went up but if I had to make a prediction today, I'd probably flip a quarter…or maybe pick Obama. It feels that close to me.

I'm not even sure who I'm going to vote for in the Democratic Primary next week. A couple of the candidates who are on the ballot but out of the race probably reflect my views better than either Clinton or Obama but I don't see the point of a "symbolic" vote for them. No one ever notices how many votes the withdrawn candidates get so the symbolism doesn't register anywhere that matters.

Here are the results…
