I know a lot of folks keep coming to this site to see if there's any news on the strike…so for you people: There's no news on the strike. At least nothing I've heard. The rumor mill says they're still having informal talks. That's probably true. At least, we'd probably hear if it wasn't. The rumor mill further says those talks are going well. That may be one of those news items based on nothing. In any case, there's no indication as to when those talks might turn into real negotiations, which would presumably be a matter of formalizing the terms.
Meanwhile, officials of the Screen Actors Guild are criticizing what they know of the Directors Guild settlement and asserting that they will not allow it to become a template for their own, upcoming negotiations. One might infer they're saying that now because they know that the WGA reps are accepting a large chunk of the DGA deal, at least as a rough model even if some of the terms and numbers change. And one might be dead wrong to infer that. We don't know. The DGA deal has, probably unfortunately, become the AMPTP's starting point for bargaining. Any union (not just WGA or SAG) is going to have to do a certain amount of pushback against it.
When will we hear something? Your guess is as good as anyone's. I still think an immediate goal is to make enough progress in the next week or so that the WGA will feel comfortable about granting a waiver that will allow the Academy Awards to have a real writing staff. I'd certainly trust our leadership to make that determination and to trade that off if they feel they're making genuine gains. Still, the fact that one or both sides wants to make a deal ASAP doesn't mean that's going to happen. So sit tight.