Still battling with computer viruses. That's right: Plural. It looks like the first virus I got knocked out my virus protection software, thereby enabling another one to slip in. I think I've fixed one of my two computers — the one I'm writing this on — but the other one's going to need professional help. And now I'm too far behind to take it in…or even to post much here for a while.
But I thought I oughta put this up. Remember that that is not a poll as to who you'd like to see be the Democratic nominee. This is just a prediction on who you think it'll be…though I threw in Mike Gravel just for laughs. I also put in Someone Else even though it's been some time since I heard anyone suggest that Al Gore or anyone else could still get into the race. Someone Else beat Ron Paul, Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter in our Republican poll so let's see how he or she does here. This poll will close in one week.