Semi-Recommended Viewing

I could never vote for Ron Paul. He's said too many things in the past about race and poor people and about the responsibility (or lack, thereof in his view) of people to care for one another that I find inhumane and even impractical. I also think he's one of those people who calls himself a Strict Constructionalist but that means he's found ways to argue that his prejudices were Thomas Jefferson's prejudices.

That said, I admire the guy for getting up in front of audiences and not telling them what they want to hear and for raising questions that politicians of all stripes would rather not discuss. I think he contributes a lot to the national debate by talking about things like our proper role in world affairs and the proper role of government in our lives. You don't have to agree with someone to be glad he's out there giving his views.

I'm not going to embed it because it's a little over an hour long but I thought I'd tell you about this interview he did up at Google last year. No matter who you're supporting in the coming election, I'd be surprised if you couldn't find something Paul says that you wish your candidate would say. You'll also find plenty of reasons why Dr. Paul isn't going to get the Republican nomination.