I occasionally write here about games and toys I remember from my childhood…but I absolutely do not recall ever hearing or seeing this one, even though it allegedly came out in 1968, a year when I watched every danged cartoon show I could. It's called Pie Face and apparently all it did was to enable you to hit yourself in the face with a pie in what looks like the safest, least fun way imaginable. It looks like it was designed by someone who actually could not grasp the basis for humor in the act of being hit with a pie.
A quick Internet search reveals no one writing about owning it or playing it…no antique toy dealers selling it…no eBay auctions of old Pie Face games…nothing. So I'm wondering if it was ever actually produced or if the commercial that is our link today was done for some sort of test marketing that did not yield an actual product. A few people on the 'net are looking for it. No one seems to have it. Is there anyone reading this who is prepared to swear on the good name of Soupy Sales that they actually owned and played Pie Face?
Here. Have a look at this thing and tell me if it looks familiar…