I need to get back to work but before I do, I wanted to say something here about Cheerios®. I haven't mentioned much about Cheerios® here lately and that's an oversight I need to correct. Because Cheerios® are important. Cheerios®, I realized not long ago, are truly Nature's Most Perfect Food. They're tasty. They're crunchy. They're healthier than most other things I eat. Did you know that they may help lower Cholesterol? That's not a proven fact but they may, which puts them ahead of all those foods — like bacon and butter and In-and-Out Burgers, that we're pretty certain do not lower Cholesterol. But Cheerios® may and that's good enough for me.
Please note that I am writing here of plain, old-fashioned Cheerios® — the kind in the yellow box. I have never tried Honey Nut Cheerios® and I never will, partly because I'm allergic to almonds and partly because I simply resent the notion that Cheerios® could be improved upon. I also have no use for Berry Burst Cheerios®, Yogurt Burst Cheerios®, Multi Grain Cheerios®, Cheerios® Crunch, Fruity Cheerios®, Frosted Cheerios® or Apple Cinnamon Cheerios®. For obvious reasons.
Over the years, I've occasionally shifted my affection to other cereals but rarely for long. I always come back to Cheerios®. Recently, I went through a brief Corn Flakes flirtation but it faded. When you put them in a bowl with milk and sugar, they're almost as good but Cheerios® are much, much better when you just eat a dry handful right out of the box. Which is how I eat most cereal.
These days, I really only eat two cereals. One, of course, is Cheerios®. The other, which is also quite wonderful, is Barbara's Shredded Oats and I kind of think of it as Designer Cheerios®. Barbara's Shredded Oats is denser and crunchier and a little more expensive. It's kind of like Cheerios® on a higher budget.
This is all I have to say about Cheerios® at the moment but there will be more. I can't say enough about Cheerios®.