Beck and Call

Hey, kids! It's Sourpuss and Gandy Goose, who were two of my favorite characters until I actually saw them in a cartoon. Even when I was six, I gave a lot of animated films the "Springtime for Hitler" look and about half the output of Paul Terry's shorts did that for me. Nevertheless, I liked a lot of Terrytoons so I'll be listening tomorrow when Animation Historian Jerry Beck discusses them and other classic cartoons on Stu's Show, the endlessly-plugged talk show that you can hear on Shokus Internet Radio. Each broadcast can be heard live on your computer on Wednesday — from 4 PM to 6 PM on the West Coast and from 7 PM to 9 PM on the East Coast and if you're somewhere else, you can probably figure out the time from that information.

Better still, I won't just be listening to the show. I'll be on it. At the top of the program, I'll be on the phone for a brief but pungent discussion of the Writers Guild strike with host Stuart Shostak. Listen to that, then stay tuned to hear Jerry talk about cartoons, including (I'm sure) some well-deserved pride at the recent animation DVDs that he's helped midwife to great sales and even greater critical acclaim. Jerry, who's also one of the Brewmasters over at Cartoon Brew, is highly responsible for getting some of your favorite animation onto DVD and getting it treated with loving care.

You can listen to Shokus Internet Radio at the appropriate time by going to that website, selecting an audio browser and clicking your way to the fun. You can actually listen right now. There's always something good on there.