Thursday New York Blogging

Missed a whole day of weblogging whilst travelling. American Airlines did an acceptable job of getting us to JFK Airport, which is to say the flight took off 45 minutes late but only arrived 15 minutes after the scheduled hour. We have, however, the worst hotel room I've ever had in New York…and if you remember the one I had in '85, you can imagine how horrible this one is.

Well, some of you may not remember the one I had in 1985 but I'll never forget it. I spent my whole stay searching for the prize because I believed that every Crackerjacks box came with a prize in it. This year's room is smaller…and stickier. It's in the same hotel I stayed in when I attended my first comic book convention, which was back in 1970. The place has not been cleaned since.

Among the room's other deficiencies, the High Speed Internet Connection is a Dixie Cup and a string…which explains why I'm way behind on e-mail, my friends.

Dinner was at a Ruby Tuesday in Times Square where I had an overdone hamburger and, after I informed the manager, an underdone apology. You know, I believe saying "I'm sorry" is among the most important things a person must say in this world from time to time but you have to mean it and not just lip-sync the words to get rid of someone who's been wronged. I wasn't expecting a refund or even one of those coupons they give you for a free dessert next time you come in and buy something. I was just expecting some interest in my burger and maybe some inkling that she was going to have a word with the chef about not cooking the meat until it could pass for a rice cake.

That all happened yesterday. Today's anecdotes will have to wait until later. We're off to see Young Frankenstein tonight. I'll report on that, too.