Grand Canyon

In 1958, actor Dean Fredericks had the title role in an NBC TV series, Steve Canyon, based on the comic strip by Milton Caniff. It was, like the syndicated feature on which it was based, a fun and fast-moving effort with some fine guest appearances by character actors of the day who later became famous. (Jerry Paris, later of The Dick Van Dyke Show, had a recurring role. And for that matter, Mary Tyler Moore turned up in an episode playing, of all things, a Hispanic lady.)

For years, it was a "lost" series that went largely unsyndicated. It's still not airing anywhere on TV but the Milton Caniff Estate, which seems to own the series, is trying to change that. The problem is that they don't have a full set of airable prints and the shows need to be undergo costly restoration work. You can help finance this and sample the programs. They're restored the first four and are selling a DVD of them, and whatever they make off that will go into resurrecting the other thirty episodes. (You can also help financially by purchasing a neat-looking Steve Canyon cap they're selling and/or by just making a donation.)

All the info is over here, along with facts and a clip or two from the show. We wish them well.