Fred Kaplan on what we can still accomplish in Iraq.
People ask why I link to so many Fred Kaplan articles and I would think the answer would be self-evident. He's the only guy I've seen out there writing straightforward, address-what's-really-happening pieces about Iraq. One of the things that made me decide the war was a botch was that the arguments about why we're fighting all either fell apart (We're there because Saddam has Weapons of Mass Destruction, we're there because a wonderful democracy will fall easily into place without him, etc.) or they were just too vague. Lately, in the last category, I keep getting e-mails from pro-war folks whose case never seems to go much deeper than "We have to win there because we're America and America always has to win." I think I'd like a little more than that, along with a specific definition of what will denote a "win."