Today's Political Thought

Here's a paragraph from a New York Times article headlined, "Democrats Seem Ready to Extend Wiretap Powers"…

As the debate over the eavesdropping powers of the National Security Agency begins anew this week, the emerging measures reflect the reality confronting the Democrats. Although willing to oppose the White House on the Iraq war, they remain nervous that they will be called soft on terrorism if they insist on strict curbs on gathering intelligence.

Just who are they worried is going to call them soft on terrorism? The 63% of the country that wants us out of Iraq? They're not going to call someone who forces an end to this war "soft on terrorism."

And if they're worried about the 35% that wants us to stay…well, that 35% is going to hurl that insult at anyone who opposes Bush in any way. Matter of fact, no matter what Democrats do, Republicans are going to call them "soft on terrorism." Joe Biden could go catch Osama and strangle the guy with his bare hands and not change that.

If I were a Democrat in Congress, I'd be more concerned with 63% of the country calling me "soft on political courage."